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Venues for White Crane Tai Chi in Nottingham

White Crane Tai Chi are held in Attenborough Village Hall, Attenborough Lane, NG9 6AB
and Holy Trinity Church, 1 Eastwood Rd, Kimberley NG16 2HX


Sifu John

Sifu John has been teaching Tai Chi for over 50 years and is a member of the British Council for Chinese Martial Arts.

Join his class on Weds 8th Jan 2025

at the Attenborough Village Hall NG9 6AB from 7-7:45pm cost £8. 

Pupils can be any age, over 10 years old.

To book a class or enquire about One to One tuition, Phone John: 07469995925 or Email:

Sifu Frank

Sifu Frank has been teaching Tai Chi for over 20 years and is a member of the British Council for Chinese Martial Arts.

Join his class on Tues 7th Jan 2025

at the Holy Trinity Church Hall, NG16 2HX from 7-8pm cost £8. Pupils must be over 17 years old.

To book a class or enquire about One to One tuition, Phone Frank: 01159134888 or Email:

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